at the end of February 2023, eight students of DAFT Undip bachelor degree Arsitektur Novala Fairuz Rahmadhana, Reviyana Atika Ranti, Bernadette Benedicta Saminoe, Nindya Ramadhanty Indah Tantya, Brandi Orbita Imagi Putri, Hasna Ayudya Aulia, Nova Dimas Saputra, and doctoral student Mardwi Rahdriawan bound for Kagoshima, Jepang. They arrived at Narita Tokyo and then went to the heritage Asasuka Temple and Skytree Tower before going to Haneda Airport for the next flight to Kagoshima. On Kagoshima, they arrived at 21.30.and were picked by Prof. Junne Kikata with small bus towards Kagoshima University International. Lodge (Shimoarata). The day after they do an excursion to Saigou Dannchi (pict 1) and presented the result to other participants (pict 2). Last day in Japan 3 march, They visit Osaka before depart to Jakarta.
gambar 1. ekskursi ke Sadigo Dannchi
gambar 2. Reviyana mempresentasikan temuannya
source :
website PDIAP
IG amoghasida