Benefit :
1. Prestige based scholarship
2. Low income family based scholarship
The Scholarship
1. Student of SMA/SMK/MA Rp 800.000,- per Semester
2. Student of D3/D4/S1/S2 Rp 1.500.000,- per Semester
3. Attend Class Education “How to Get a Full Scholarship”
4. Exclusifve Merchandise Custom by Catatan Pena Official
5. Certificate of Scholarship by Catatan Pena Official
📌 Persyaratan :
1. Indonesia citizenship
2. Open for student of SMA/MA/SMK Sederajat, Gap Year, D1 – S2
3. no minimum score of GPA and report
4. Multischolarship
5. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu (Bagi Kategori Kurang Mampu)
6. Good Communication skills and responsibility
7. Follow the procedure
🗓 Deadline Pendaftaran : 28 Oktober 2022
⏩ further info and registration :
⏩ source : OA LINE KESMA BEM FT Undip
CP :
OA line Posko Beasiswa (ID : @701bhmog)
HMA 2022
Unit Sosial