Friday, 1 September 2023, Engineering Faculty is officially collaborating with Pusat Riset Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur (PRTKS) Organisasi Riset Energi dan Manufaktur BRIN (Indonesia Research Agency). The Letter of Memorandum of Agreement signed being performed at R. Sidang Senat, Gd. Dekanat 3F. There are delegacies of PRTKS BRIN led by Ketua Organisasi Riset Energi dan Manufaktur BRIN, Dr. Haznan Abimanyu.
This agreement is focused on research-innovation of multisensory building construction and design that impact to earthquake response, energy saving, and environmentally friendly. Dr. Haznan Abimanyu said that the innovation would be a breakthrough in Indonesia which often has earthquakes. More addition, He said that with BARISTA program the student also capable of increasing their research.
Dean of Engineering Undip, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M, M.Sc, Ph.D, well approved this time PRTKS BRIN. He said that agreement such PRPJ dan PRPN BRIN can be further education program