friday 5th mei 2023 DAFT Undip held Halal Bi Halal at Amphiteater (under the Bayan Tree) to tighten the bond of DAFT Undip. Prof. Erni Setyowati as MC moderates Prof. Suzanna Ratih Sari, Prof. M. Agung Wibowo, Prof. Siswo Sumardiyono, Dr. Sudanti Hardjohoebojo (the wife of Prof Eko Budihardjo), former lecturers (Eddy Indarto, Dhanoe Istanto, Eddy Hermanto) , former staffs (Ibu Dwi Sukarini, Pak Hartono) and active faculty members of DAFT Undip.
This event was opened by speech of bachelors chief, departemen leader, dean and representatif of elder (video embeded) then contined by lebaran greeting shaking hand and luncheon