International Field School is Architecture Undip annual event for summercourse. The events has purpose to encourage study about Indonesia culture, especialy in architecture. This year, we promoted Java north coastal architecture on Demak, Central Java.
International Field School 2018 held theme o: Resilience Settlement under event title : “International Field School 2018 : Discovering Kampong Morosari For Living with Water toward Sustainable Development” . This event not only performed in class study of cultural and local architecture but also another problem of Demak north coast called tidal flood.
International Field School use Problem Based Learning method. There were three study materials : 1. Java north coast architecture and culture, 2. Java north coast tidal flood problem related to the local regulation, 3. Sustainable development on coastal residence. The initial class materials were given to introduce the case before splitted into group case study. Each group enrolled site observations, group discussions, creative and applicable solution synthesis, before presented their idea to the jurors.
There were 2 case studies :
– Kampung Pesisir Rejosari : village with abrasion problem
– Kampung Pandansari : village with adaption with water
IFES 2018 was enrolled by 56 participants, who consist of :
- Internasional students = 25
- Internasional professors = 4
- Indonesia students = 6
- Advisor Professors = 3
- Commitee (lecturers) = 8
- comittee (students) = 10
IFES 2018 was held with in 4 days and closed by Semarang city tour and Borobudur temple visit
video teaser
video aktivitas IFES 2018