MODUL as architectural journal under Architecture Department, Engineering Faculty of Universitas Diponegoro held WORKSHOP of ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION on JOURNAL MODUL as an effort to improve research and publication ability amongst the academic people on Semarang. This program was fully supported by BTBI Undip funding on 10 oktober 2019 at studio C101, architecture campuss from 08.00 until 16.00 WIB.
the keynote speakers and guest reviewers are :
1. Prof. Yandi Atmo Yandri, ST., M.Arch, Ph.D
Chief of research design cluster UI and the leader of Association of Architecture Program in Indonesia (APTARI)
2. Prof. Paramita Atmodiwirjo, ST. M.Arch., Ph.D
Editor in chief of Interiority (DOAJ), editor IJTECH (Q2)
3. Kristanti Dewi Paramita, ST., MT., Ph.D
Editor of Interiority (DOAJ)
This event were attended by 58 participants from various architecture campuss around Semarang, such as : Unika Soegijopranoto, Universitas Pandanaran, Universitas 17 Agustus Semarang, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Universitas Diponegoro and Universitas Negeri Semarang. The participants were registered online by submitting their form and articles through as mentioned on the events poster . The event was structured by 3 sessions of lecturing and 1 session of article reviews by the guest speakers.
the review session
the review session
This event was closed with several prepared papers to be submitted and published on MODUL journal in the next volumes. The future publication of MODUL will be closed at november 2019 and published on 1st december 2019.