BCA Finance open the scholarship of BCA Finance Peduli 2024 that provide :

  1. Education allowance Rp 3.500.000 (Tiga Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah) per semester (to the student of semester 5 until 8)
  2. Training for awardee Semester 8 as jobmarket preparations

Scholarship BCA Finance requirements :

  1. All student in Indonesia of program Strata-1 (S-1).
  2. Active student of semester 4 until semester 6.
  3. Min average GPA minimum 3,20; last GPA 3,00
  4. Submit Softcopy Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu (SKTM) from Kelurahan on KTP
  5. Submit Softcopy electricity bills of last 2 months of house on KTP.
  6. Submit softcopy surat keterangan dari Fakultas yang menyatakan bahwa Mahasiswa/i ybs tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari tempat lain.
  7. Active on organization
  8. Not committed to crime etc

Submit through here starting 1 until  30 June 2024.

source : BAK Undip