Temanggung (11/08/2024) – Desa Gunung Gempol is one of 13 desa at Kecamatan Jumo, Kabupaten Temanggung. Bapak Eko Wasono, chief of desa Gunung Gempol explained, “Desa memiliki beberapa rencana pembangunan, salah satunya pembangunan rest area yang letaknya di depan SMP Negeri 1 Jumo”.
Nurul ‘Izza Andayani Prayitno as KKN Undip Departemen Arsitektur’s student try to help the desa plan into design with concept of local architecture. at the first step on 15 July 2024 with Mas Wahid and Mas Yaufan, perangkat desa try to survey the site of 630,95 m2 area (pict 1). Than consultetd with Ibu Ragil, sekretaris desa to obtain the demanded space and room. “Konsepnya tradisional ada pendoponya mengikuti selera bapak kepala desa. Ruang yang diperlukan : mushola, ruko, kamar mandi umum, dan ruang terbuka hijau yang luas,” Ragil said
pict 1. design process
Nurul ‘Izza deisgned it on two weeks with twice consultation with bapak kepala desa (pict 1) . it will be proposed a building 149,2 m2, with : mushola 4,5m x 5 m, 5 ruko 3,5 m x 3 m, and so on to meet the demands. The rest of site will be still on green and preserved as scenery for tourism (pict 2).
pict 2. design ilustration
author: Nurul ‘Izza Andayani Prayitno (Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, KKN TIM II UNDIP 2023/2024)
DPL: Dr. rer. nat. Anto Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Biotech.
location : desa Gunung Gempol, Kec. Jumo, Temanggung