Author: Ivana Angel Salsabila (mahasiswa Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, KKN-Tematik 2024

Lerep Village is a village located in Ungaran Barat District, Semarang Regency. Lerep Village residents run several Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (or UMKM in Indonesia) with production in both agriculture and livestock.

According to Mr. Junari as the Head of Indrokilo Hamlet in an interview, the residents of Indrokilo Hamlet have several UMKM that produce products from agriculture and animal husbandry, such as: coffee, palm sugar, cloves, cow’s milk, ginger and sugar palm fruit. For UMKM in the agricultural sector such as coffee, many residents already have coffee plantations. While UMKM cow’s milk, residents of Indrokilo Hamlet have communal cow shed. Milk from the local cowshed is sold directly to buyers based on the weight of the cow’s milk and buyers can process the cow’s milk independently. Mr. Junari also mentioned that he hopes for economic development for the residents of Indrokilo Hamlet. Therefore, KKN student created a design for “Milk Shop Design as a Supporting Facility for Cow’s Milk UMKM” as a monodisciplinary program (picture 1).

Picture 1: Illustration of The Design

Design planning begins with concept. The planning concept starts from the activity. This shop is not only used as a place to buy and sell cow’s milk, but also as a place to process fresh cow’s milk to kill bacteria in cow’s milk so that it is safe to drink. Cow’s milk processing activities are: the process of heating, cooling, to mixing cow’s milk to provide sugar or flavoring to cow’s milk.

The product of the monodisciplinary program “Milk Shop Design as a Supporting Facility for Cow’s Milk UMKM” is a print-out on A3 paper and has been submitted to the Lerep Village Office (picture 2). The author hopes that this monodisciplinary program can be beneficial for Lerep Village.

Picture 2: Program Submission

Pangi, S.T., M.T.
Yayuk Astuti, S.Si
Ph.D, Yuli Christiyono, S.T., M.T.

Location: Lerep Village, Kec. Ungaran Barat, Kab. Semarang