
  1. student of D3 on semester 3 or mahasiswa D4/S1 on semester 5 per August 2024;
  2. No other scholarship;
  3. Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3,30;
  4. organization and campus activist;
  5. got achievement in academic or non academic; and
  6. pass the selection of PARAGON

Requirement to Apply

  1. Curriculum Vitae (ATS Format);
  2. Transkipt semester 1-4;
  3. Scan KTP, KK, dan KTM;
  4. Scan buku Tabungan atau Screenshot Mobile Banking milik pribadi;
  5. Surat keterangan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain;
  6. Sertifikat prestasi akademik dan non akademik.

Mekanisme Pendaftaran

submit your application through www.bit.ly/RegistrationPSP2024 deadline 29 July 2024.

source : BAK Undip