author : humas undip

The International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information System (ICENIS), an annual event by UNDIP Postgraduate School, was held again on October 29-30, 2024, in a hybrid format at Hotel Santika, Semarang. This 9th international conference focused on the theme “Innovative Strategies for Climate Change, Sustainability of Renewable Energy, Epidemiology, and Information System.” ICENIS attracts researchers and academics eager to share insights and the latest research on global environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, epidemiology, sustainable energy, and information systems.

As in previous events, ICENIS 2024 featured prominent keynote speakers in its plenary sessions. Notable speakers from Indonesia included Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, M.Sc., MA, Ph.D., from the Bandung Institute of Technology; Prof. Dr. Ir. Rizal Isnanto, ST, MM, MT, IPU, ASEAN Eng from UNDIP, who spoke on Health, Biomedical, and Biometric Research Using Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems; and FM Venusiana R, S.T., M.M., from PT. Telkom, Indonesia.

International speakers included Prof. Abdelhafid Essadki from École De Technologie Supérieure, Morocco; Prof. Choi Kwang Hwan from Pukyong National University, South Korea, an expert in Photovoltaic-Thermal Systems, discussing “Current Research and Prospect of Available Photovoltaic-Thermal Systems for Multiple Purposes in Korea”; Achmad Yanuar Maulana, Ph.D., a Research Professor at Dong-A University, South Korea, with a topic on “Revolutionizing Secondary Batteries: Electrode Material Development and Its Impact on Sustainable Energy Solutions”; and Prof. Benny Tjahjono, B.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D., a scholar at Coventry University, England, UK, presenting on “Approaches to Sustainable Transition to Renewable Energies.”

The 9th ICENIS was attended by 109 student and researcher participants from Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and Timor Leste. Each conference participant had the opportunity to present their scientific work in parallel sessions, receiving feedback and constructive suggestions from experts in their fields. ICENIS serves not only as a platform for exchanging scientific work but also as a strategic forum for strengthening global networks, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration, and driving innovation.

The organizing team awarded five participants from each category with The Best Presentation awards. For the Lecturer/Researcher Category: First Best Presentation went to Ferry Hermawan; Second Best Presentation to Jafron Wasiq Hidayat; Third Best Presentation to Mochamad Fahlevi; First Honorable Mention to Ilham Aminudin; and Second Honorable Mention to Dita Rizki Malia.

For the Student Category, the First Best Presentation went to Widjonarko; the Second Best Presentation went to Arif Kurnia Raharja; the Third Best Presentation went to Iwan Purwanto; the First Honorable Mention to Marah Ali Ammar; and the Second Honorable Mention to Natasya Erischa Pranadita. Congratulations to all award recipients!

source : undip website